Lest we forget
Gendringen - Wisch 1940 -1945
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European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe invests in its countryside
Gemeente oude IJsselstreek Gelderland Anbi

A roof above your head (17km)

When, on April 1, the gun powder fumes rise again, it turns out that many (farm)houses are damaged irreparably. With fresh impetus lots of temporary houses are built using debris. One a little stronger and bigger than the other. In the meantime, almost all these houses are gone. Just one example, very, very small, has been restored. “de Moezeköttel”

The route is signposted and has a 17 km length. Starting and ending point is in Megchelen at the Oranjeplein.  The route also is part of the app: Abelleisure.nl


At “de Moezeköttel” you can buy the directions with explanation about highlights.